1. http:// http://maep.mnartists.org
When directed to the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, I was instantly taken to the call for art submission page. It gave background info on the program so that considering artists would have an idea of what sort of program they are submitting to. There was also another link which could take you to learn of the Artist Panel they currently include. I did appreciate the fact that the submission deadline was bold and highlighted in bright fluorescent yellow which made it super easy to see and obvious. It gave the exact date and last possible hour that you can submit your proposal. On the website it also has specific instructions and guidelines for submissions.
I thought it was very organized. It had a brief couple of paragraphs on information of the program, the deadline was easy to spot, and the instructions for submitting were readily available.
One positive aspect of the site would be it is short and to the point.
One negative aspect of this site would be that the call for submission did not specify if this is for a specific show or if any artist of any medium could submit.
The design did not directly relate to the call for art because no info is given for specific shows.
2. http://box13artspace.com/2014-2015-call-for-exhibition-proposals/
After plugging in the link to this submission website, I was directly taken to the exact page with the information on it. Box 13 Art Space gives another short bio on their gallery, the gallery space, and how they operate as a whole. It transitioned into the call for art rather smoothly. However, the submission deadline date and time are only in bold and not colored or highlighted for easy spotting. It goes on to give instructions on how to submit art and asks that considering artists only submit via email and not "snail mail". It also includes the submission criteria which I thought would be very helpful for an artist.
The site is fairly organized. It's not hard to read or boring. But rather bland in design. It does feature a photo of a previous exhibition which is pleasing to the eye and may give considering artists an idea of the space.
Positive: The site includes detailed instructions on submissions and the info the gallery specifically would like to receive when an artist submits.
Negative: The deadline is only listed once and after another quick skimming of the page, a person would have to look a few times to find the deadline date and time.
The design only says it's accepting submissions for three specific gallery spaces or rooms, the Downstairs Galleries, the Window BOX gallery, and the Upstairs Gallery. But no dimensions of these spaces are given on the page. It would be helpful if the dimensions of these rooms were listed in case a sculptor who is considering applying, would be able to visualize the space they would possibly need.
3. http://www.akimbo.ca/18558
Personally, this call for art website was the most visually pleasing. It had friendly colors, and features of the several programs they work with, as well as a quick look of their social media pages. Another great aspect was that it got right down to business. They were looking to hold a specific type of exhibition, a Flip Book exhibition, in which artists could pick a neighborhood of their choosing, and create an artist flip book in any medium they like. The information gave design specifics on how big the book should be too. The page is broken up into three different sections which makes it a lot easier to read through. One section for information of the exhibition and program, another for proposal criteria, and the last is for contact information and submission deadline date and time. It also includes the curator's name in the last section as well.
Positive: Extremely well organzied. Easy to follow through and understand. Information is clear cut.
Negative: The deadline is colored in red letters, which could be hard for some with visual impairments to be able to see.
The design does directly relate to the call for art, especially this is for a specific exhibition. And is nicely broken up into three different sections.
Northcutt Steele Gallery
Call for Art!
The Northcutt Steele Gallery offers a variety of exhibitions throughout the academic year featuring works of a diverse group of artists including international, national, regional, local, and student artists. Exhibitions are frequently accompanied by receptions, lectures, and in some cases special workshops.
The Northcutt Steele Gallery is seeking artists who present a strong conceptually based artistic voice. Artists who have a cohesive body of work, and demonstrate a general knowledge of their materials and display an extensive level of artistic quality. The Northcutt also seeks artists who display a proficient level of professionalism.
The Northcutt Steele Gallery is currently accepting proposals for October 2017 exhibitions.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 30, 2017 No later than 5pm.
Notification of acceptance will be sent the third week in July via email.
Submissions must include:
-Artist Statement (500 words or less)
-Artist CV (Please include email address for acceptance notification)
-Exhibition Proposal (up to 500 words)
-Image List
-At Least 12 Images on a CD or Flash Drive
-At Least 12 Images on a CD or Flash Drive
-Please only submit artwork that has been created within the past 2 years.
Submission can be sent to:
Northcutt Steele Gallery
Liberal Arts Building, 1st Floor
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
Dr. Leanne Gilbertson, Gallery Director
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
Dr. Leanne Gilbertson, Gallery Director
In addition to reaching students and faculty, each exhibition reaches hundreds of community members. To join our mailing list, click here: https://www.msubillings.edu/forms/gallery/form/
Well done, Meliah. Very thorough. Good example of a call. Could you use images to spice things up?
ReplyDeleteA few more thoughts: are we accepting proposals for solo shows, two-person and/or group shows? Curatorial projects? Should we require a budget proposal?